
Hey Man Lets Party


24th August 1991
Lord Street Mt. Lawley

There's nothing like the old open house party & this was a big one. About 200 people showed up to hear the brooding sounds of the new 'Ultimatum' & 'Brain Burger.' Power problems caused the band to momentarily stop every few songs or so. The neighbours watched from over their fences, as an old guy sang Irish war songs.

A bonfire was crackling away in the back-yard to keep us all warm on the cold night as we sat in the vegies, every once & a while it was re-kindle with pickets off a fence.

Vomit was having a wild time pissing on & in front of everyone - that man has an endless bladder! Nigel was in his element, sporting his new green hair. Manson was their in his new purple flairs, Warhol wore a brief bikini.

Then the Pigs showed up (not invited) at about 11pm, confiscated the amps, arrested 10 people, removed the fuses & told the rest to stop having such a good time.

The official Police accountant was brought in to count how many people were at the party, he used the Police/Media 1iaison formula of: Amount of people multiplied by 2 (P x 2) This formula is usually used as a ratio of Party goers to Police (for Justification purposes to the public.) The Police count is used in the following formula: Amount of Police Vans divided by 2 (V/2.)

The Police numbered 20+ and the helicopter hung over the house for more than twenty minutes with it's huge Big Brother like light focused on the house. Now why don't they do something constructive with the tax-payers money? Like looking for the wankers who steal peoples cars and kill the innocent. All that was happening at the party was "Standing together, making the scene one & having fuckin' fun."

Prick was arrested, Fiona was arrested and a bloke with a way cool Butthole's T-shirt was arrested, and what for? Making it known to the Police (who are doing their Jobs?) that they don't like what was going on. All I can say is, "vomit in my mouth."

Arrests at party

TEN people were arrested on Saturday night after police warned organisers and the band at a party in Lord Street, East Perth, they were making, too much noise.

A police spokesman said there were about 400 people at the private party which spilled into the street after the warning. Several cars had gone to the scene and the police helicopter hovered overhead as the arrests were made.


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